Sunday, April 03, 2005

Hong Bong

Greetings to all,

How are you all doing there? Hope you are fit and well and taking good care of yourselves.

When last we spoke I had just left Delhi and was in Hong Kong. So, what was Hong Kong like then? Well, for the sightseeing traveller like myself, it has to be said that there is bugger all there really! I mean, there is a nice park area in Kowloon with a maze and sculptures and stuff like that, which was OK. And there is the famous skyline views of the Central district, which were OK too. There is also a really nice look out high above the city on a mountain, but given the inclement weather and terrible pollution it would have been futile to go up to said viewpoint.

However, if you are interested in being repeatedly offered either:
a) imitation Rolex watches
b) tailor-made suits
c) marijuana
while walking down the front street, then Hong Kong is very much the place for you my friend. As for me, I didnt care for it too much.

At the moment I am in Beijing which is a cool place. There is a heck of a lot to see here, loads of temples and cool stuff like that. So far I have visited the Summer Temple which was beautifully serene. Also, I have been to the Temple of Heaven and also to the Lama Temple all of which were excellent. Althought given my lack of prowess with the Mandarin language getting around and getting stuff is fairly amusing!

In the next few days I will be visiting the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall of China. So till that time I will bid you farewell.

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